Beyond Work: Guiding Your Self and Your Spirit as WELL

bouldersHow well are you and your spirit doing these days?  Times are tough.  Hardship and turmoil continue to emerge; and it can seem more difficult now to simply survive and prosper.

Many who are retired, semi-retired and wanting-to-retire are as ‘adversity-affected’ as those engaged in longer ‘work-dependent’ financial challenges. Beyond attending to one’s physical health, survival and security also involves ‘nurturing one’s spirit’.  All can benefit from easy-to-use tools to reliably live more fully and comfortably, from the heart.  Pure and simple:  This is what I offer.

Ongoing tragedy and the holiday season may naturally propel us to reach out to others; yet many of us are struggling to reliably care for ‘our self and our spirit’.  Fortunately, uncomplicated ways to do this exist -*- even now.  GO on .. It is clearly time to Guide Your Self And Your Spirit As WELL …

Just as the complexities and virtual global reach of modern computers spring from simple binary (‘on’, ‘off’) elements…, 2 essential life actions — ‘receive’ and ‘give’ — have an encompassing reach, impact, and positive potential for ongoing individual and global human life.  When matched with fitting types and levels of key support elements, these paired actions connect to  … ‘Gather resources’ and ‘Open supported pathways’ …, enabling us to GO, achieve, and do … positively amazing things … in and for life (Check out my 3 previous articles 4 details).

‘Hope and promise’ are still available to us, for life.  The ‘cycle of nature’ provides ongoing proof … as well as clear cues to add to this.   While ‘work needs to be done’ to rebound and recover from challenges, devastation, and losses …, the example of our successive recurring seasons (our best outside example of ‘harmony in motion’) serves to repeatedly remind us that life (including recovery, survival and growth) involves and depends on more than just ongoing ‘work’ or a never-ending battle (GO here to explore more about this as WELL).

key compassWe’re all still learning … about what is and is not ‘working’, climate change, and more.  And just as we use ‘tools’ to heal, it takes something other than ‘weapons’ to secure hearts and build spirits.  Even if ‘winning the lottery’ now seems like your only answer to overcome current conditions, think again … as many who are fully retired with secure life-long financial reserves now report they too feel somewhat lost, confused, or unsure.  It turns out that ‘financial security’ alone can fail to fully replace the ‘work’ factor so long central to one’s sense of purpose and identity.  Few expected this insecurity at this stage.  What’s next for us all?

‘How to clearly and comfortably proceed with a sense of purpose’ is the ongoing agenda of all, for life.  ‘Positively continuing on’ is especially critical now; yet, with few signs of clear progress, optimism has understandably been fading; and ‘keeping the faith’ can be challenging.  Many claim that ‘staying patient’ and ‘taking positive action’ is more difficult than ever before; and comments about ‘little or no faith in our elected officials’ and their ability to lead are common.  Have we also lost faith in our ‘self’?

Faith (in what we want yet cannot currently fully experience or see) … is what 1) fuels hope and optimism, and 2) connects and shapes past, present, and future.  The good news is -*- all is far from hopeless; and we really can do what it takes … to positively move ahead from here.

bike2My decade-long journey to find easier ways to ‘get unstuck when stuck’ surprisingly unveiled versatile, easy-to-remember ideas, processes, and tools to:  1) adjust and achieve (as you ‘GO’), 2) balance your life (‘LIVE’ as you ‘GO’), and 3) help ‘IT’ grow.  Successfully used, shared, and enhanced across adverse conditions, try this now to help guide you and others as ‘WELL’:

* Want to become secure. Like plants secured and protected in the soil, we are best positioned to live and grow on Earth when we feel supported (stabilized, grounded, and free from disrupting fear).  Security and protection requires this ‘intention’ (the ‘desire’ to do this) as well as ‘caring action’.  This brief video reveals more than how notes in music can be blended and paced to create a familiar pleasant tune.  It begins to reveal how ‘well-intended Care … well-delivered by you, for you’ can produce ongoing positive outcomes for you and others as well:

Add Joy to Your World ! Now! Pure & Simple: Adjust Your Dance Steps … 

Your beating physical heart’s core purpose is to support life; and your spirit helps you to fully live. Both adjust to changing conditions; and you can take steps to change your spirit if, as, and when you ‘Want’ to do this.  You really can change your own pace … and take clear steps .. to add support for your self and your spirit:  ‘Changing your pace’ can 1) prompt a positive difference in how you feel, and 2) better position you to produce the outcomes you desire.  IT all begins with ‘Wanting’ … and proceeds with ‘Care’.

* Enable This (Provide the Support and Care You and Your Spirit Need -*- to LIVE and Grow)

When you feel ‘stuck’ or fearful, try changing the speed of your actions:. Take intentional steps -*- to slow down when life seems too fast … increase your pace when life feels too slow … and blend your pace of action .*. to rejoin/resume/continue the dance.  Express, adjust, and lift your spirit … without relying on substances and supplements to do this.  Get inspired again … * Add Joy to Your World -*- Now!

SCAN0013Each year, the holiday season serves to rekindle the ‘caring spirit’.  Difficult conditions also require increased care; yet many of us are more inclined, skilled and inspired to care for others than fully care for ‘ourselves’ (mind, body, spirit).  This directly applies to you:  You require your own ongoing Care as well.  You’ve seen examples of how positive dreams come true for others with consistent, adequate care.  These passages may help you Enable this.    Add TLC* For Your Self and Your Spirit as WELL!

Self -*- Compassion (TLC*)

— Accept  your needs, abilities, status, wants, and mood at this moment (your ‘self’ and your ‘spirit’); and recognize that ‘providing for your basic security (life survival)’ always precedes … and also supports … going to, doing, and getting ‘what you really want in life’.  And if just mustering the spirit to ‘Want’ to Care for your self is now challenging, this is a clear signal that your spirit needs extra support.  Do something supportive -*- familiar or new -*- to exercise, rest, accept … and nurture your spirit.  Read on … and continue to gather more information and support.

— Beyond safety, security, $, material things, and relationship success …, what you may want most in life is a sense of ‘contribution’ (the feeling that you have somehow added to ‘greater good’ during your time in this world).  When signs of progress are delayed or missing …, simply ‘Want’ to ‘feel’ as you’d like to feel in the future.  This simple step will help you positively anchor, aim, and nurture your desire -*- and choose and add other supportive steps as ‘WELL’ (Actively Exercise & Nurture Your Spirit).

* LIVE Fully -*- GO Take Steps Each Day 2  Laugh, Improve, Value Life, & Energize Through Rest (Grow Through Life in Diverse Connected Ways)

You are continually making choices … even when it feels like you are ‘doing little’ or that ‘nothing is happening’.  Focusing on ‘what to positively do’ will naturally lead to far more good than immersing your self with ‘what not to do’, needless worry, or fear.  Aim to LIVE, in one, more, or all ways.  Always.  And when ‘what to do’ (or ‘what to do next’) still feels unclear, set ‘Gather information’ as your immediate ‘purpose’ (as what you Want).  Step toward this desire, in this direction. There are always ways to do this; and each deserving step to ‘Gather’ also ‘Opens’ more for you to GO on …

notes on flowing scaleThis next brief video points out ways to anchor and lead actions.  Elements that comprise music (melody, harmony, tempo, rhythm) can inspire and also point to elemental ways to simply ‘get unstuck’ and ‘comfortably lead one’s life’.  Notes are arranged at different respective levels; and even if ‘music is not your thing’, other vantage points can at times produce a world of difference in how things look and feel; and this can begin to free your spirit.  Patiently pause to gaze in the distance as you casually stroll or climb … or try something similar to this … when and as you feel stuck in life.  And when your willingness to ‘venture ahead’ feels weak, do as you would encourage others you care about to do:  Rest your body, mind, and spirit as WELL; and ask for assistance for your self and your spirit as you need this.  You can do this:  Let the Music Lead .*.

Let the Music Simply Lead You

* Love to LIVE (Supportively Engage Your Spirit -*- As You Explore Other Viewpoints as WELL)

Harmony in motionOur seasons and our music 1) connect ‘diversity in life’ and 2) exemplify how ‘instrumental support’ happens from an individual to global scale.  Caring action is central to life; and you are key and instrumental to this as well.  Start with your self and your spirit.  Add positive, heart-connected actions and outcomes.  Invite, accept, add, and welcome support.  Comfortably and productively lead and support your life.  Love to LIVE -*-  and your own clear example as a living Spirit can positively help others to fully LIVE as WELLThis video unveils the key connecting link that anchors and supports music, our seasons, and our own life-engaging action:

Gentle WakeUp Call (Harmonica Intro to Life Harmony -*- Keep the ‘Spirit of Music’ Alive)

Music you enjoy provides you with immediate invisible support; and faith involves ‘knowing’ that ‘support you cannot always see’ is real, present, and available.  Do WELL’ for your self and your spirit, with clear, connected actions:  Want to Grow or Become Secure … and GO Enable This … as you LIVE for the Balance … and Love to LIVE.  Add to the ‘music’:  LIVE WELL !

well.jpgLife offers an onGOing learning opportunity; and more tools and materials exist and are emerging to ‘Guide Your Self and Your Spirit’.  The holiday season prompts us to recall and consider how ‘support & greater good in life really happens’.  This music video gift and heart-felt message may to help guide your life as WELL.  Pure and Simple:  *Treat More Days in Your Life As Holidays!

Music -*- For You, the Holidays & Life

Thank You!  All the best -*- to & for you -*- in life …

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